Mom and I went shopping at the Goodwill a few weeks ago. It was a great trip, I found a little freestanding towell bar that I need to figure out what color I'm going to paint it. I also found a perfect pampered chef turning utensil holder for $3! But my favorite find was these two oak wall plaques cut in the shape of the state of Arizona. There was something about that I really liked and they were only 99cents each, so it was a steal. Here's what I did with them. I have to do one more that I'm going to give to my Mom, but I have to find another AZ map.
Ok, I know it's been awhile. We have been crazy busy it seems, and when I have had time to blog, I must admit that I wasn't in the mood. I consider it a creative process, and so if it feels forced somehow, it feels like work. I kind of protect my creativity from things that can dampen it. Sometimes, I have to put it away for awhile until I feel like I can nurture it again.
I've done a few different little crafts lately, so I will post soon about those. First, though, I thought I'd post about our spontaneous staycation that we did last weekend.
We used the GPS and just decided to drive. We ended up in Laughlin, Nevada. At first, I thought it was going to be completely kid-unfriendly. But, we ended up having a blast. We did have a couple of hiccups. The first being that we didn't realize how much our kids thrive on predictability. They had a hard time coping with the drive, yes, there was whining, but it didn't last long. The other is that we should have gone online a bit earlier and reserved a room as we ended up paying a lot more money than we wanted for a really crappy room. That was a lesson learned.
The next day we ended up at the Aquarius (formerly the Flamingo) in a really awesome room. The windows are floor to ceiling and they all face the Colorado river. The kids LOVED this. We had the curtains open most of the time because the view was so spectacular.
We didn't get to go on a boat ride like Joe wanted, but we did get to go swimming and we had some great food.
The funniest part was when we took the kids over to the Kids Kastle at the Riverside, thinking it would be an indoor play space. When we got there we found that it was a great drop off space and the kids really wanted to do it, so we thought, why not? We dropped them off and headed to the movie theatre in the casino, we wanted to see Inception. We were 6 minutes late. So then we tried Bingo, the next session didn't start for an hour. Next it was bowling, but they only took cash and the atm was down in the casino. We kind of looked at each other and said that we were pathetic. We had time to ourselves and didn't have anything to do. So we took a walk and drank really big pina coladas.
When we asked the kids what their favorite part was, Joe said it was all great. When we asked them what the worst thing was, he said there was no bad part. Can't ask more than that can you?These photos were from our drive out. The Sunset was AMAZING!