Monday, March 18, 2019

Joseph Leads in Wrestling

Joseph’s wrestling skills are off the hook!
He’s been wrestling now for 3+ years, this being his first year at High School.  The progression that he has made in just the last year is profound.  This year, he wrestled as a Freshman a couple of times for the Varsity team which is a huge accomplishment just to be invited.  He finished the year with 30+ wins and only 11 losses.  He is a formidable opponent and all we have heard about him from coaches, parents, and other wrestlers is that he is on his way to being a great wrestler. 
To this Mom, from the outside looking in, I’ve seen such a huge transformation from just the beginning of the year.  Physically, he lost quite a bit of weight (Yay, we haven’t had to buy a lot more clothes for growing spurts this year, aside from shoes) and really developed a lot of muscle and strength.  Sometimes, I catch myself just looking at him and the enormous change from my sweet little toddler to this young man who will begin driving soon, and who now shaves on occasion!  Mentally, he’s developed his leadership skills and work ethic, and has matured with his views and independence.
Their wrestling program has a large staff of coaches, and I haven’t yet met one that I didn’t really love, especially Coach Cook.  I have a soft spot in my heart for him and how much he has devoted to all these wrestlers.  I wish I had had a coach like him when I was younger.  Heck, I wish I had gone to Joe’s high school when I was his age, my life would have been very different.
For the wrestling awards evening we found out just how well Joseph was doing in wrestling when he won the Leadership and Motivational award.  I cried.  I was, and still am, so proud of him.  Next year will be another year of learning, I think, in wrestling, but I think his Junior and Senior year are going to be intense.  Look out for him in the future!
Joe with his Leadership and Motivator trophy, 3/2019

Joe with Joci
Joe with Coach Cook

Flashback to great beginnings...
WAY back when he first started wrestling...

 March 2019

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