Friday, February 15, 2013

Merry Christmas!

Ok, so I am a bit late on this posting.  Alright, I'm A LOT late on this posting, but it needs to be done.

We had such a lovely Christmas this year.  It was a Christmas miracle that we were able to spend Christmas at home in Arizona with my parents.  Having the kids wake up in my parent's house and spending the day with all of us was a much needed slice of home pie.  The kids got what they wanted, and more.  The adults got a few things and got to watch the kid's excited faces as they opened each gift.  My favorite gift was from my parents.  It was a set of bound books they had printed of my blog by each year.  I love them, and hope that someday the kids will love them as much as I do.

My parents were so kind to let us decorate their Christmas tree with all of our ornaments.  It really made us feel at home.

We brought traditional Christmas poppers from England to share with my parents at Christmas dinner.  They are so much fun and everyone wore their popper hats.

Christmas Day 2012

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