Monday, April 2, 2018

Happy Easter Everyone!

I hope you all had a pleasant Easter the way I did.  I got especially lucky, in that I was off both Thursday (my birthday) and Friday (Good Friday), plus the weekend.  A four day weekend is a marvelous thing, indeed!

For Easter Jon had the kids, but was really kind in asking me to join in for Easter dinner.  As usual, he didn’t disappoint in the food department, though I know he had some amazing help in the kitchen this year.  Joe made a scrumptious rib roast that turned out perfectly.  Dad would have been over the moon to see him make that!  He also made cheddar biscuits which were also delish.  Jocelyn made Jon’s family’s famous no bake cheesecake which was to die for.  It had been a long time since I had it, and it was even better than I remembered.

We had fun chatting, and talking about East and all the other stuff going on, coming up on the calendar etc.  When the kids and I got home, they had more Easter eggs to find and a little basket from me.

It was such a good day that the only picture I got was of the prime rib that Joseph made.  Which is funny, because Dad did that a lot, too, took pictures of his food.  I ended up not taking any pictures of the kids, or me, in our festive Easter clothes, but not to worry, I’ll get them sometime soon!

I hope you all had a beautiful day, no matter the weather in your area, and that you enjoyed your time with family and friends.

Happy Easter!

April 1, 2018

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